4GB of available disk space (Recommended: SSD with 4GB of available disk space).

I have just went through these steps and can now use the Right Click on the CS 9.0.3 Editor and the CS 9.0.3 Recorder and when looking under the More Option it shows that I can now Run As Administrator. Always better to be safe than sorry and lose anything. You will have the option to keep the files on the uninstall but I went with delete them and had my Library Settings backed up just in case which is advisable in my opinion. This is kind of a pain to have to go through when just trying to do an update from the Check for Updates and downloading and installing the update so hopefully they will find a solution soon and post it back here that it has been corrected/fixed. Keep In Mind: You will want to follow the above steps as when you uninstall and re-install you will need to put your key back into the software and also make sure you have anything in your Library Backed up so you do not lose those and you can then import those settings back in. The download for the newest full version of CS 9.0.3 is below: Then this screenshot shows where to find the above: Links are below for some screenshots from Jason and the Download of the full Program for reinstalling. I am not sure if all users are experiencing this issue but for those who are this is the temporary work a round for this issue. Support is looking into why this happens when doing an upgrade only install. And then go to the help menu and Technical Support and click on that and then Save to File and open that up in Notepad and look for your Key (License Number) and save it and do a complete reinstall after uninstalling the software and this should then work. However after talking to Jason from TechSmith Support I was instructed to do an uninstall of the Camtasia Studio and to make sure you back up your Library First as you do not want to lose anything you have added. It is on the All Apps and the Recently Installed in my case Robert.